Since moving out of town I am letting my creativity flow free - for a start I have made the "RUINERS" Wheel Club car stickers by hand. I have made five in total (one was positioned wrong and ruined, fuck!) here is mine on my 62 Lincoln Founding RUINERS member Morgans 51 Chevy. CR Coopers 65 XP Falcon and the last one (no photo sorry) is on Ty's 67 HR Ute.
The Bright Rod Run has come and gone for yet another year. the huge Police presents was not a downer and the turn out was up on numbers from last year (this event keeps growing and growing). these are the small amount of pics i managed to get (Bright is always a great excuse just to kick back and enjoy a beautiful weekend back home) This hearty little number was my pic of the day, it wasn't a trailer queen which made it that much better! Morgan ('RUINERS' Wheel Club) entered his newly acquired 51 chev. Just the right look with triple carbs and find valve covers, NICE! This year brought one of the nicest (be it not traditional) roadsters I have seen, old skool style with a modern flair! very well executed.
What a sunny Sunday! It started with pancakes and love and ended with bus rides and a middle age women's hockey team.
CRCooper, Kellie and I headed down to Collingwood for the launch party of FUEL Magazines issue 5. Rancho Deluxe was the venue and what a great back drop for a some what sunny day of rods and customs.
Hit the FUEL MAGS web site of more - see if you can spot us??