Sunday, October 23, 2011

Albury Motorcycle Display

Today Mark, Kellie and I cycled down to the yearly Albury Motorcycle Display.  

Not very well advertised (coming from me, someone that doesn't have T.V or radio?) 
The turn out was about 270 bikes and a heap of good people turned out for it, all in all a good day had!

I forgot my camera today, so what little pic's I was able to get are all here!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Monday, October 3, 2011

Morgan dirt dragger!

If you didn't make it to Chopped this year, you fucking missed out!

Chopped Rod & Custom 2011

WOW! This weekend was a blast. 
CRCooper, Morgan, Kellie and I made the trip to Newstead for the greatest
Hot Rod event I have ever been to.

Camp Grounds with 'mainly' pre 1965 Rods and Customs. 
A great thing too wake up to in the morning!

Des Russell's Spinner! Awesome car, good dude.

A shout out goes to the Eldorados for letting us camp with them and being a great bunch of guys.
Also a big thanks you to Chopped for putting on the best Hot Rod show of the year.

Enjoy the pic's!
Hit up this LINK for more.