Monday, February 21, 2011

Fuel Launch Party Issue #6

Well what a weekend It was - Saturday found Morgan and myself loading Allan Briotti's Karmann Ghia on a trailer ready for a early start to a relaxing Sunday of Automobiles. 

As a Chopped Bug that was built by Al was one of the feature cars in the current Fuel Mag #6 we thought it would be fitting to show off another great example of Al's work at the launch party.

Up early Sunday morning to find a young CRCooper staring into the engine bay of his XP sedan. "Is she going Coops" "Na" "Well what the fucks wrong with it?" "Running like a bucket of shit" then a hour later Morgan and I left (with a few folk to follow)

Quick servo stop in the rain - 

Then about 1 hour later, we were greeted by this sight - 

Wonderful, our 'RELAXING' day could start.

Enjoy, we certainly did.

Jessie and Josh Al's brothers (Jessie's pick for car of the day)

A big thanks to Luke (Fuel Magazine) Ben (Rancho Deluxe) and the Vultures Car Club for putting on a awesome Sunday afternoon.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Well Well Well - Where have you been?

I've been out! Allot has been happening yet i haven't posted nothing? that's just the way it goes.
Fuel issue 6 launch party is coming up very soon (on the 20th) Since the last one was a blast, the 'RUINERS' will be heading down to Collingwood again.
This run will be made a little bit more special with the one and only CRcooper getting a feature artist article this issue.

He has a new wordpress thing going on which is very cool.

Also in issue 6 is one of my best mates VW builds. I followed Allan (R.I.P)with this build from 'BUG' to Beauty (fucking rad) and i don't really like VW's, what Al could do with cars was amazing!

We are hoping to get another one of his builds down to Rancho deluxe for the party, Allan Briotti's Karmann Ghia. Looks all set to go (Just with out a engine, long story?)
If you want to see what Al has built, head over to his photobucket alot of what Al built is on there, Enjoy the journey he took with his cars.

Hope to see you all in the city on the 20th!


I tried my hand at lettering the other week.
Shitty old paints and no line brushes produced this?
I have always liked old hand painted signs. When Kellie asked me to paint a old wooden box she had gotten to store her "gardening stuff" in i jumped at the chance to give it a go.
So a small investment and some time will see everything i own being lettered and labeled the old school way! ha ha ha